Monash Council Meeting 10 December 2024

Question 1: Why do all ratepayers pay for a waste/recycling levy? When residents in apartments and retirement villages have to arrange private waste removal and cannot access Council hard rubbish services either?

Answer: The waste levy funds sustainable waste management, aligns with Council’s 2021 Revenue Plan, and future changes require community consultation

According to Monash Council’s website “Residents in apartment buildings or other multi-unit dwellings may not receive an annual hard waste collection if the property is not eligible.” Many residents have found this to be unfair. Essentially many residents, living in apartments, retirement homes etc, are not eligible for hard rubbish collection. They also need to arrange private skips and collection for landfill and recycling. In some instances, these private companies dump recycling with the landfill, which seems counter-productive to other environmental measures. The good news is the Revenue and Rating plan 2021 - 2025 will up for review in 2025. Let’s make sure we make our voices heard.



Question 2:
Last meeting item 7.1.4. UPDATE ON STATE GOVERNMENT HOUSING ANNOUNCEMENTS. I note Cr. Soo Jung (Elisha) Lee declared a conflict of interest as a State Government Employee. On behalf of Wheelers Hill residents, I wanted to ask if there are any other areas being a State Government employee may be a general conflict of interest? e.g. issues arising from the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL).

Answer: Cr. Lee has transparently disclosed her employment, which poses no conflict of interest. She understands her obligations and will manage them appropriately.

1 meeting into her term, and already the newly elected Soo-Jung Lee has been forced to vacate the Council Chambers due to conflict of interest. Many residents have shown concern with Lee being paid both by the Allan Labor State Government, while receiving an allowance from ratepayers money here in Monash. Given some 47 months remain in the Council term, this was a legitimate question. We will be watching closely and will report on any relevant conflict of interest. We will ensure you all know about these BEFORE you cast your vote next time around. (Gathering by the passive-aggressive reply, I am guessing a touched on a nerve?).

Monash Council Meeting 26 April 2023

Question: Does the City of Monash have any events planned to view and celebrate the King Charles Coronation on the evening of 6th May 2023? For many this is a once in a lifetime event.

Answer: Thank you for your question Marcus. Monash Council does not have an event planned for Kind Charles’ Coronoation 6th May

Given we have seen the federal government appoint a “Minister for the Republic", I thought it pertinent to ask about the Coronation here in Monash. It feels left-leaning governments are creating a Republic by stealth, despite the 1999 referendum being a clear indicator the majority are happy with the status quo. The answer was not surprising. The notion of Monash Council honouring our traditions and respecting our Head of State was always doubtful. Despite the close connection King Charles has with Australia


60% of Australians voted “No” to the divisive “Voice to Parliament” referendum in 2023. Yet we are conscious Governments at every level are trying to ignore the outcome of this vote, and proceed with dividing Australians. While we certainly have a checkered past, the majority of residents agree we live in the greatest country on Earth. As such we will do all we can do advocate for the sole use of our National flag, at the exclusion of all others for all Council matters.

We will also fight to celebrate January 26th as the one and only Australia Day, and maintain citizenship ceremonies on this day. Noting in 2022 the Albanese Labor Government overturned the requirement for local councils to conduct citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day.

A resident recently emailed us expressing concern about the lack of Australian flag in the new Mayoral picture. Does this appear to be accidental? It is worth noting the Australian flag cannot be seen on Monash Council’s webpage footer either. Only the two indigenous ones. We remain vigilant.

SOURCE: https://www.monash.vic.gov.au/About-Us/News/Monash-Bulletins

Crime is currently out of control in Victoria, and the City of Monash is no exception. Voices of Monash is believes that this important issue needs to be front and centre here in Monash, with greater resource allocation. We feel crime is well and truly in the “too hard” basket for Monash Councillors. Residents are no longer feeling safe in their homes, cars are being stolen at an alarming rate, and youth crime is at an all time high. We are currently liaising with local Police, Neighbourhood Watch, and Members of Parliament to understand the issue better. Crime is up in Monash a total of 4.5% for the year 2024. We want to see if we can help reverse this alarming trend.

(SOURCE: https://www.crimestatistics.vic.gov.au/crime-statistics/latest-crime-data-by-area)

Have a question for Monash Council, or an issue that you cannot get help with? We would love to know about it, and will help in any way we can. Get in touch!

Monash Council Meeting 27 August 2024

Question: Are Monash Council in favour or opposed to rate capping for residents?

Answer: The Victorian Government established the Fair Go Rates system in 2015 to limit the amount by which councils can increase rates. The Minister for Local Government sets the rate cap limit each year which limits the increase in total revenue (general rate + municipal charges) all Victorian Councils can raise. It is State Government policy which Council complied with the applicable rate caps and maintaining the average rate cap.

Rate capping and cost shifting from other levels of government present significant challenges to councils, and we look forward to the outcome of the above funding to provide long term direction for the local government sector.

Wow, talk about providing an answer without providing an answer. I asked this question to try to see what the position was of Monash Council, as I understand that a review was taking place at the time. However, I their response raised more questions than answers.

Monash Council Meeting 31 October 2023

Question: According to the Victorian Government website, the Mayor of Monash earns $126,958 annually. Is there any obligation for the Mayor to concentrate solely on this role, or can they have outside employment as well?

Answer: Thank you for your question Marcus. While the Mayors devote sizable portion of their week to their Council role, much of this involvement being outside normal working hours, there is no expectation in Victoria that the Mayoralty at a Council like Monash is a full-time role. Many Mayors have careers which they continue to work at during their term as Mayor.

For a salary that exceeds $125,000 and is set to increase each year, it seems strange that for the one year a Councillor assumes the role, they can still hold outside employment. It is reasonable for Councillors to focus solely on the City of Monash for the one year they are Mayor. Keeping in mind there is no obligation for a Councillor to become Mayor. Convention is an integral part of the Australian political system, and banning or at least restricting outside employment (to part-time or casual) for a Mayor seems like a good idea. Mayors should be 100% committed on improving the lot of ratepayers and residents.